Saturday, December 1, 2007

Julie--The Final Chapter

Our story thus far,

Julie meets your correspondent in 1979, they date. She is his first "real girlfriend"

Julie and I have a significant moment (well, it was for me) on my sixteenth birthday.

I break up with Julie in the fall of 1980.

I leave town for military service in 1981.

I return home for the first time in 1985.

Julie hears that I am home. Attempts reunification. Is rebuffed like nobody's business.

I return to the Fleet.

All caught up? Good

Fast forward... no really forward. Beyond Star Trek, The Next Generation. Beyond the entire run of Seinfeld. Beyond Ronald Reagan's second term, George Bush's (1st) term, beyond both of Bill Clinton's termas, and the first term of Bush (2nd)....

The year: 2006

The Place: Well. where I live (thought I was going to cough that up, didn't you, SMID!)

I was checking my email one day, when I got an email. An email from one of those class reunion websites. I had registered at a couple of them a few years ago, just in case any old friends needed or wanted to find me. Well, this particular email was from someone that fit into that category.

Yes, it was Julie. She had found me, once again.

She told me that she lived in my area now... (nearly 300 miles from the town we grew up in), and had heard I was in this area (good Lord). She asked about my life etc... and asked if she could call me. Well, I should have known better, but I was sort of anxious to find out how she was doing and all of the, so we set a time to talk on the phone.

We had a fine conversation full of the usual "what have you been doing?" etc...

After about 20 minutes of catching up about my first marriage, my divorce, my career, her career and family... we move right into "so, are we going to see each other?" To which I replied and emphatic no! She asked me why and I told her plainly, that it would lead somewhere that it shouldn't. I told her that was inappropriate to meet with any woman that I had previously seen naked and fondly remembered it (TMI?).

She was irritated and proceeded to tell me how I shouldn't make those sorts of logical leaps... "I'm not after you!" etc..... I assumed the guilt of having said no and blamed it on the fact that I might still have the hots for this woman 21 years after the last time I laid eyes on her... but the truth is, I didn't. I didn't and don't have the hots for this woman. I didn't want to see her because I think she has potential for being a "crazed-stalker-who-boils-rabbits" kind of person, and God knows I don't need that.

Julies was only half-sane when we were in high school.

I wonder if she has been committed yet.


Fourier Analyst said...

I blame it on our mental-healthcare system, or lack thereof. There are a lot of crazies still out there who really should be in some kind of supervised care. I personally know of enough to fill half a ward!

Good thing you realized in time and decided not to meet with her. A piece of advice: Google yourself to find out just how much personal information about you is on line. And if there is more than you are comfortable with, you can take steps to have it removed. Fortunately the way such engines work, when the info is removed it will also eventually be updated in the archives.

tripleZmom said...

Good move. Julie still sounds a little too , um, enthusiastic for a meeting!

Wholly Burble said...

What an "ending", and hopefully it is ALL OVER--no dead bunnies, etc.!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

That was funny and sad all in one moment.

Brillig said...

Holy flash-forward, dude!

That's kinda freakishly frightening. I do hope she got help! I kinda feel bad for her...

Madam Crunchypants said...

that's kind of creepy, really.

Anonymous said...


I have a very common name. When I Google myself (that sounds borderline inappropriate, doesnt it?) I come up with Lawyers, artists, a reporter, & at least three different university professors. Never myself.


No, this was really the end of it.


I feel bad for her, too. Poor soul.

Oh, and don't worry, I have enough soapiness from my years as I was quite the man-about-town in my youth.