Saturday, November 24, 2007

Julie and Me--An Interlude

Ready for the next chapter in the Julie story?

Our story thus far:

Julie and I er... got together in the fall of 1979. We broke up in the fall of 1980. I graduated from high school in June of 1981, and entered active duty in the Marines the following September.

During my first (of two) enlistment(s), I spent 90 percent of my time overseas. During my travels, which included a combat tour of duty in Beirut, Lebanon (forgot about that one, did you?).

After nearly four years away from home, I returned to my hometown, a seasoned old veteran of 21 years of age... I was going to be home for nearly a month, which gave me lots of time to see my old friends, which was not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be, because I had changed quite a bit.

Anyway, it was good to be home, and word got around rather quickly that I had come back to town.

One night, while I was watching TV, our front doorbell rang. Anyone care to guess who was there when I opened the door?

If you guessed "Julie" you would be correct.

She had heard that I was home... and wanted to see me.

Hm. Since my mother was hovering, Julie and I went for a ride... and talked.... No, really, we just talked. Julie let me know that she had missed me and wanted to get back together. She was rather, um.. forward about it... and was unamused when I told her, unequivocally "fat chance".

She drove me back to my mother's house in near silence.

That was in 1985.

Next week: Julie, thef inal chapter (or Julie and the time capsule)


soccer mom in denial said...

Are we suppose to know who wrote this? Because I know (the years, experiences and spelling mistakes give it away!! :) ) and cannot wait for next week.

Welcome to SOS dear friend! Always knew there were some suds in ya.

anno said...

Sounds like you knew something about getting back together with exes that I wish I'd known back then... Good for you! Good story!

Jen said...

You survived the marines - question is... will you survive Julie?

Waiting impatiently for next week!

Brillig said...

Good grief! That woman is persistent, isn't she? Wowzers. I can't believe that wasn't the end! Can't wait for the rest. This is so deliciously soapy.

Patois42 said...

What Jen of a2eatwrite said: Marines and battle is one thing. Sounds like Julie is quite another.

Fourier Analyst said...

Bet you come out "combat-hardened" after this experience! Looking forward to the rest of the story!

Luisa Perkins said...

Anonymous Soapiness is the BEST.

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a know-it-all SMID!

It's one thing to know dates... it's another to know me by typos!

I feel so inadequate.

tripleZmom said...

I'm dying to know what else Julie did!

Anonymous said...

You'll have to wait until next week, JersyGirl

Wholly Burble said...

You mean I have to wait another week? Oh my, at my age I can't afford to wish weeks away--but I'll have to work on my patience this week. I'll be back for the conclusion.